Saturday 1 April 2017


Pulut dakap isnt easy to find nowadays in any stalls or market because it is an old cakes rarely made by people. If you guys really want to eat and taste it you have to do by your ownself at home. The words "dakap" means hug suit with this cakes look which is it hugging each other . The pulut dakap is tied with rope before it steamed. Maybe that is the reason why it got its name. The process to make this pulut dakap is not so hard if youre not lazy to make it. To those who never taste,pulut dakap are very delicious. The combination of sticky rice and the banana filling inside make it fantastic. The suitable banana that used to make pulut dakap filling is "pisang raja".

I have prepared the recipi for those who wants to try the recipi,let do it! Goodluck !

Image result for gambar cara membuat pulut dakap

Ingredients ~

-Pulut 500g (immersion)
-Santan thick 1 1/2 cups (Follow taste fat kid or not)
-bananas king
-Leaves bananas (Layur)


-Steamed sticky rice to cook.
- mixed coconut milk with a little salt, then mixed with sticky rice.
-Put sticky rice on banana leaves that have been pressed.
-covered half bananas with sugar  .then, put on sticky rice.
-wrapt glutinous, sticky rice and then take 2 pulut that have been wrapped, tied with a rope.
-Steamed for 30-40 minutes over medium heat .
- ready to served 

Image result for gambar cara membuat pulut dakap

Image result for gambar cara membuat pulut dakap

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