Friday 31 March 2017


Tapai is a kind of snack made of glutinous rice. There are types of rice wine fermented cassava and fermented glutinous rice. Usually fermented glutinous rice more popular than fermented tapioca. Ingredients for making rice wine is not to complicated, Fermented glutinouns rice requires materials such as glutinouns rice, yeast and little sugar. All three of there ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. Then wrapped in small increments using the so called leaf leaves fermented. but at this age, fermented leaves increasingly scare and most of the rice wine wrapped with banana leaves. there is little different between fermented flavor wrapped in leaves fermented and fermented rice wrapped in banana leaves.
Completely packed tapai put in a large crock pot and covered with a cloth. Once fermented and stored for 3 days, fermented it will cook and then eat. Tapai which was cooked remove the water very sweet. This fermented drinkable water and can also be be used as a traditional medicine.
Tapai whice was cooked well can not be stored longer, the time is more or less in 2 days and because it tastes too sweet usually be eaten at midday as dessert, and if you want to add to the pleasantness of ric wine, rice wine coulld be mixed with coconut milk and put a little ice

  • 2 cups glutinous rice ( sticky)
  • 2 tablespoon tape starter ( ragi yeast )
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  1. soak the rice in one gallon of water overnight
  2. steam the soaked rice for 45 minutes and then cool to body temperature. Be careful the rice is not too hot as heat can damage the starter culture
  3. spinkle the tape starter on the rice and mix with a clean spoon for a minutes to distribute evenly. Be sure to mix the starter and rice well to reduce the risk of spoilage and improve the amount of time needed for fermentation.
  4. mix 1/2 cup of sugar with water. pack the rice in layer into a jar. spinkle each layer with some sugar water, to help start the fermentation process.
  5. ferment for 2-5 days. After 2 days you will likely see a bit of liquid in th bottom og the jr and the odor of the rice will change to distinctive tapai smell. At this point the fermentation process is complete but the taste of the tapai will improve if kept in the refrigerator for a few days. The liquid which collects at the bottom of the container is a rise wine called brem. it normally has a very low alcohol content after only a few days but if fermented further, the alcohol content will increase.
* tape starter ca be used with sweet rice to make Tapai ,Ketan, with black sweet rice to make Tape Ketann Hitam or with casava to make Tape Telot

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