Friday 31 March 2017

Kuih tepung boko

Kuih tepung boko. "Boko" means  the tray in kelantan and there are 2 types of  Boko Cassava flour and other tepung beras tepung boko. How to steam same as kuih talam commonly made but own blend quite soft and served with coconut head. this cake is quite soft an cannot be cut, when the cakes serving spoon into the bowl and poured along the head of the milk fat salty. this cakes is more delicious is wrapped in a banana leaf with coconut heads because fragrane of banana resurrect comfort of this cake. Tepung boko kelantan are delicious eaten hot or cold. Once tried to feel it with tepung talam to another.
I have never heard the name of this cake even normal purchase jelawat eash time back to village. this is because every time you go back, very much want to eat cake, which i bought so many. In short all pleasing.

1 of cassava a big ( 3 cups grated yum )
1 cup granulated sugar
10- pandan leaves blended with 2 cup of water and take the starch.
little green food coloring if necessary a pinch of salt

  1. potatoes peeled the skin ( do not cut ) and washes clean. 2 sides to remove the center vein. grate the potatoes until exhausted. ( can also be ground using a blender but also ensure that the vein is removed first)
  2. squeeze / drain water from the grated potatoes earlier. no need is too dry. squeeze mix in order to ensure that dairy water mix in order to ensure that dairy maslin purple potatoes because too smooth.
  3. heat the post steamed
  4. mix the grated potato, sugar, water, pandans leaf, salt, and a little green food coloring until smooth
  5. put the potato mixture in the pan and steam for 30 minutes
  6. serve with gravy / sauce of coconut milk by copping
Coconut milk sauce
 1 box of coconut milk ( 20ml ) ( want more milk fat may prefer more. reduce the amount of water )
500ml water
4-5 tablespoon rice flour
2  tablespoon salt
- knotted pandan leaf

How to preapare
  1. mix the rice flour a little water until smooth ( take water from 500ml earlier ) filter.
  2. mix the coconut milk, water and air mixing rice flour, salt and pandan leaves in a pot
  3. cook on medium heat until the sauce thickens and cook. feel his salt
  4. ready to serve with steamed yam cake earlier

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