Thursday 2 March 2017


     Pulut bakar kelantan is a kind of blank that is wrapped in banana leaves and baked in a circular shape on the coals fire.Delicious eaten hot and normally sold in most shops and markets as breakfast.There is also a  pulut wrap with coconut sauce and stuffing sweet sira.The taste is different from  the version Terangganu with aroma of cloves and halba. The fragrance  smell when burned in coals fire. A cake tradition in Kelantan which  a choice of village to have breakfast.

      I also tried it feel when my aunt made it when he was in the village. It smells very fragrant. Pulut bakar  is also delicious eaten alone. All perfect sense no less no more. But the way it is food that is easy to prepare.

  How to made Pulut Bakar;                                                                                                          

-500 gm of glutinous rice (soaked overnight)                                                                              
-180 gm sugar                                                                                                                               
-300 ml coconut milk                                                                                                                    
-1 teaspoon salt                                                                                                                             
-1/4 teaspoon fenugreek                                                                                                               
-10 cloves                                                                                                                                    

1-Coconut milk, sugar and salt to a boil .Enter fenugreek and cloves. Turn off the fire and leave to cool.

2-Steamed glutinous rice for 35 minutes or until cooked.

3-Enter into the container and mix with coconut milk until smooth. Let stand for 2-3 hours to absorb into the rice milk.

4-Frozen Mop and banana leaf on fire. cut round according to the desired size.

5-Round mold put on a banana leaf, take a little sticky and compact press, lifting out of the mold. Glutinous rice wrap neatly.Baked in the embers of the fire to banana leaves on fire.




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