Sunday 26 March 2017


Cek mek molek petite known as cek mek is a traditional delicacy that is popular in kelantan and terengganu. it is made with mashed sweet pottoes and wheat flour as the dough, sugar as the core, then fried. Should not be eaten with caution easily spilled sugar core / squirt.

How to make cek mek molek

  • 5 sweet potato pieces + large spoonful of salt the book *potatoes washes, boiled in its skin until tender *powdered sugar and half a bowl.
tubers are already preapared tender skin peeled and then mashed potato until blanded flatten the dough in a bowl, add the flour by 1/4 of the potato dough so let's how to sticky fingers. if still attached to the finger can add a little more flour CAUTION but do not advance

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