Tuesday 28 February 2017

When you come to Kelantan,make sure to drop by at Pasar Siti Khadijah or any stalls on the road ride for some desserts while on the way to somewhere for snacking . Couldnt ask for more, the taste and the sweetness will always attracted the desserts lover. Meanwhile,the reasonable prices is affordable. Not to expensive to eat it everyday,even to make it as an everyday food. Its also can be make by your ownself by searching the recipi through google or recipi books available on bookshops. Each of the difficulties will had it solution. For the malaysian people,all of those kuih or desserts is not to hard to do,  because some of them is alrready have the skill ,which is inherited by the ancestor in a long time ago. So,when you came into Kelantan try to discover out the variety of Kelantan's desserts because it will not disapoint you a all. You will not regret.

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