Monday 13 February 2017

Kuih Serimuka

Serimuka cake or north on the call as well as rich glutinous rice traditional cake which is able to withstand up to now and has its own fans. Besides, I like most about this Serimuka cake is fragrant pandan smell and taste sweet fat rich or upper layer that is really going to taste. For me more satisfaction foe themselves at home from the store in the shop because it's really different.

This cake is available in Kelantan. There are people in Kelantan who loved the cake originated in Kelantan.This cake pandan flavored dishes. Sekaya rice is delicious eaten in the evening while relaxing with the family. This rice glutinous also suitable to be served to guests in the house. Sekaya rice contains a lot of fat.

Serimuka cake has many flavors as rich purple colour is a particularly sweet potatoes, green colour and the colour of the pandan flavored cocoa is a sweet flavored sugar. This cake is best eaten because it tastes sweet fat. Coated with sticky rice cake is mostly sold in the taste of Kelantan. Each morning, most of the people of Kelantan have breakfast with cakes this morning after consuming rice. Serimuka cake is perfect for dessert to the people Kelantan.

How to make kuih seri muka

  • 300 grams of glutinous rice (washed)
  • 30-40 blue peas flowers (optional)
  • 200 ml of package coconut milk
  • 100 ml of water
  • 5-6 pandanus leaves cut into smaller pieces
  • Pinches of salt to taste
  • 200 ml of package coconut milk
  • 40 grams of sago flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of water
  • 6 eggs
  • Pinches of salt
  • at least 10 pieces of pandanus leaves, wash and cut into smaller pieces.
  • Some green permitted food colourin (optional)

  • Lightly grease an 8* diameter baking tin and ensure that the tin can be placed in yur steamer.
  • Wash the glutinous rice and put in the rice cooker pot. Pound the blue pea flower, and add the 100 ml of fresh water to the pounded blue pea flower. Sift the blue colour water into the rice cooker pot. Add in the 200 ml of thick coconut mik and pinches of salt.
  • Add in the pandanus leaves. Stir until well mix and cook in the rice cooker using the "sticky rice" or "glutinous" rice funtion. If your rice cooker do not have this function, just cook it like white rice. However, you may need to cook another cyle or until the desired texture. If water dries up too quickly, just dd additional water. Let it cool and set aside.
  • In a blender, add in the cut pandanus leaves, Add in all the ingredients (sago flour, water, sugar, eggs, coconut milk, permitted food colouring and salt) and use a blender to blend until fine.
  • Sift the mixture into a pot suitable for cooking the custard. Set aside and proceed to the next step.
  • Lightly grease a baking tin for steaming. Transfer the cooked glutinous rice into the tin and pressed it hard against the bottom. Let the glutinous rice become as compact as posibble. Meanwhile, get ready a steamer and put some water for steaming. Place the baking tin in the steamer and start steaming while you are cooking your coconut custard. Actually, pre-steaming is not necessary now since the rice is at least 90% cooked. However, as you want to continue the steaming when your coconut custard is cooked, you might as well start the steaming now.
  • While the glutinous rice steamed, cook the coconut custard under medium heat.( I have bypassed the step of cooking the custard over the hot water as I found that a slight curdling is acceptable since it will be fully cooked in the steaming proces). But do not use high heat as the curdling proces can be rather fast and uncontrollable.
  • Constantly stir the coconut custard.. When you witness a lot of bubbles and the custard is SLIGHTLY difficult to stir . Transfer the half cooked custard to the steaming glutinous rice. Continue steaming under high heat until the custard is set which takes about 15-20 minutes. As an indcation, you can see the custard layer start to pull away from the grased tin if it is set. Use a skewer to insert in the centre of the cake and ensure that the skewer comes out clean. Cooled completely before cutting into smaller pieces using a sharp knife.

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