Monday 13 February 2017

Kuih Jala Mas

0.1 Jala Mas

     Jala Mas cake is a tradisional Malay dish fat cakes sweet is produced using egg yolk cooked in sugar water as pinch mas cake but have no way of preparation and different look. Jala Mas cake prepared with egg yolk and sugar is broken down into bubbling water. After some time when cooked, then the mixture was raised in the small unacceptable or can also be parked unattended in containers.
    Jala Mas cakes from that dangle like fine noodles. It is usually only reserved for special celebrations such as engagement or wedding. This is due to make a fuss and just use the yolk is high. On the habits of duck egg is used because it has size large yolk.Other than that it is usually produced with "kuih taik itik" as not to waste the remaining egg white who are retired.

How to made Jala Emas :

Ingredients for the jala mas
  1. 20 eggs yolk
  2. 1 and a half cup of sugar 
  3. 2 cups of water
  4. banana leaves (shape them like ice-cream cones with very very small hole below them. Make 2-4 because they might be broken during the process of 'menjala' later)If they are big, they  turned out to be quite ugly just like the the jala mas you see in picture 4 (the container in the first and second row on the left)
Preparation procedure for the jala mas

Seperate the egg yolk from the white. Stir it slowly. In a wok, pour in the water and sugar. When there are bubles surfacing the mixture (of water and sugar, hereinafter called syrup), take the banana leave that you have made into an ice-cream cone like shape. In a circle motion, move the ice-cream cone like shape in the wok.  Look at the picture below at how you need to to move the leave, just like forming mosquito coil. The smaller the gap between each layer, the better. p/s: When the syrup is thick during this process, pour in hot water.  

1 comment:

  1. kenapa teruk sangat bahasa english posting ni, google translate ke ape..
