Tuesday 28 February 2017

When you come to Kelantan,make sure to drop by at Pasar Siti Khadijah or any stalls on the road ride for some desserts while on the way to somewhere for snacking . Couldnt ask for more, the taste and the sweetness will always attracted the desserts lover. Meanwhile,the reasonable prices is affordable. Not to expensive to eat it everyday,even to make it as an everyday food. Its also can be make by your ownself by searching the recipi through google or recipi books available on bookshops. Each of the difficulties will had it solution. For the malaysian people,all of those kuih or desserts is not to hard to do,  because some of them is alrready have the skill ,which is inherited by the ancestor in a long time ago. So,when you came into Kelantan try to discover out the variety of Kelantan's desserts because it will not disapoint you a all. You will not regret.

Monday 27 February 2017


Cake Tepung Bungkus refers to a type of cake made of flour and palm kernel. This cake is wrapped in banana leaves. Cake Tepung Bungkus a haif packs a princess 2 per person call , presumably because there is a core 2 seed. This cake should be the core of new sweet odor. This cake , my mom and my favourite . I like very much this cake, when my mom were created . All the flavors enough , no more ang no less . Perfect ! Let's do it !


How to make it :


1 cup rice flour
2 cups coconut milk + a little salt
Banana leaves

Core material:

1/2 grated coconut seeds
1    piece of sugar
1 t/s sugar
1 t/s flour
4 cup water
1 pandan leaves

How :

1. Cook the core material except flour until quite dry.
2. Put the flour and stir until dry . Cool .
3. Make small balls of the core . Set aside .
4. Mix the rice flour with coconut milk . Cook until steam rises and look quite thick .
5. Put a banana leaf over the fire and cut  the budget is needed . Pack and clean .
6. Take 3 tablespoon of flour mixture and place on a banana leaf . Place 2 seed core .
7. Close the banana leaf and fold both ends of the leaves and steam for 20 minutes .
8. Refrigerate and serve.


Here I would like to introduce traditionalcake contained in Kelantan. There are many famous cake in Kelantan this is Bahulu, Akok, a lamp flour, glutinous rice cakes brace etc. I want to show is akok cake. Akok cakes are made from egg or pandan leaves. Many of the people in Kelantan who enjoyed  traditional cookies. This cake is also suitable for serving to guests.

Akok makers in Kelantan was originally made up of those from Pattani, Thailand or the surrounding area certainly has a relatiohip with the people of Kelantan. The secret recipe to produce a delicious cake akok is very easy to make and can lead to consumers' health and taste are blending akok cake itself.

Usually use a lot o eggs that will produce high quality cakes akok soft, fluffy, and delicious when eaten. Akok cake is appropriate at all levels of society est and drink usually served with a meal in the evening. This akok cake appetizer menu is also known as the month of Ramadan for the people of Kelantan.

Recipe cake Akok 
  • 5 eggs
  • 30gm plain flour
  • 150gm palm / coconut sugar
  • 125ml water
  • 2 blades of pandan, torn to thin shreds, or snip with scissors
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 1/8 stp salt
  • oil as needed
1. Prehead oven to 200(fan) / 220C. Prepare a non stick muffin tin or disposable aluminium egg tart pans. Drop few drops of oil into the pans. Put these pans into the oven to preheat together.

2. Chop palm sugar into small pieces. Put into a saucepan together with water and pandan. Bring to a boil and gently simmer it for 5 minutes, lid on. Let it cool to warm. (I had 150ml in the end).

3. Whisk eggs vigourously and then add in flour+salt and whisk until no lumps are seen. (no need to be gentle).

4. Strain in coconut milk and palm sugar syrup. Discard the pandan shreds.

5. Pour batter into prepared pans. (you may not finish all in one go, just repeat the baking).

6. Bake them for 12 minutes or until the surface is golden brown.


Sunday 26 February 2017

Kuih Lompat Tikam

    Cake Lompat Tikam is a traditional delicacy popular in Malaysia, especially in the east coast of Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. It is made from rice flour ang coconut milk. Cake Lompat Tikam pierced two layers, namely a layer of flour are usually colored green on the bottom and a layer of colored milk white at the top. The division is made because it is eaten with fresh water headstone or palm sugar.
    I've also been eating the cake Lompat Tikam in Kelantan. It was very tasty with sweet brown sugar, It make me feel like to eating again.  So Yummy.


How to made Cake Lompat Tikam:

Ingredients : (A) White layer
15g rice flour
200ml coconut milk
100ml water
1 small pinch salt

(B) Green layer
40g rice flour
400g pandan juice
1 tiny drop alkaline water
*too much will cause bitter.

(C) Syrup
125g palm sugar
250ml water
1 pandan lef, shredded and knotted


1. Prepare 4 ramekins (150ml capacity). Wash and dry them properly *or any suitable container that you like

2. Combine white layer ingredients and cook on medium heat until it thickens lnger taste floury. Distribute evenly into the 4 ramekins.

3. Immediately wash the saucepan and wipe dry. (or use another pot)

4. Combine green layer ingredients and cook on medium heat until it thickens, turns and no longer taste floury. Distribute evenly into the ramekins over the white layer.

5. Chill for a few hours before serve.

6. Prepare syrup : combine and cook until the palm sugar melts and smells good pandan. Strain and let it cool down. Chill until time to serve.

Friday 24 February 2017

                                                           BUAH GOMAK 

        Buah Gomak is a kind of kuih which is famous and well known in Kelantan and Terengganu . Buah gomak is also called as Kuih Buah Beluru . Kuih Buah Gomok is made by glutinous rice flour in round shape with sweet coconut filling. In outside of tepung gomok,it is coated with grated glutinous rice flour or green bean flour to prevent the tepung gomok sticky among them. Buah gomak are popular among Malaysian and its is sold widely fresh everyday. Its is delicious,easy to make and the price is resonable . Name with gomak did not sure how it was named so . It was maybe the round fat shape of it ,they called it buah gomak. Its perfect name given (buah gomak) because of it round form and coated with glutinous rice flour stuffed with caramelised coconut . 
       Tepung Gomak is less desireable among young people as an everyday food because it is to sweet to consume eat everyday. The glutinous rice flour that used to coated outside the tepung gomak are sticky in finger and its to fragile and someone should be carefull while eat it.


  • Tepung gomak material:
  • glutinous rice flour 500g
  • sufficient water
Preparation method:

  • mix / stir the rice flour with water that has been mixed with a little a salt ( the right taste ) little by little until the dough smooth / reamy create the same kind of fruit cake mixes malacca.
  • take a little dough, round and flatten it again.
  • cook the water, after boiling and cakes and cook until cakes arise ( upwards ) then lifted.
  • then mix with mung bean flour to coat the cake and may be served

Monday 13 February 2017

Kuih Serimuka

Serimuka cake or north on the call as well as rich glutinous rice traditional cake which is able to withstand up to now and has its own fans. Besides, I like most about this Serimuka cake is fragrant pandan smell and taste sweet fat rich or upper layer that is really going to taste. For me more satisfaction foe themselves at home from the store in the shop because it's really different.

This cake is available in Kelantan. There are people in Kelantan who loved the cake originated in Kelantan.This cake pandan flavored dishes. Sekaya rice is delicious eaten in the evening while relaxing with the family. This rice glutinous also suitable to be served to guests in the house. Sekaya rice contains a lot of fat.

Serimuka cake has many flavors as rich purple colour is a particularly sweet potatoes, green colour and the colour of the pandan flavored cocoa is a sweet flavored sugar. This cake is best eaten because it tastes sweet fat. Coated with sticky rice cake is mostly sold in the taste of Kelantan. Each morning, most of the people of Kelantan have breakfast with cakes this morning after consuming rice. Serimuka cake is perfect for dessert to the people Kelantan.

How to make kuih seri muka

  • 300 grams of glutinous rice (washed)
  • 30-40 blue peas flowers (optional)
  • 200 ml of package coconut milk
  • 100 ml of water
  • 5-6 pandanus leaves cut into smaller pieces
  • Pinches of salt to taste
  • 200 ml of package coconut milk
  • 40 grams of sago flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of water
  • 6 eggs
  • Pinches of salt
  • at least 10 pieces of pandanus leaves, wash and cut into smaller pieces.
  • Some green permitted food colourin (optional)

  • Lightly grease an 8* diameter baking tin and ensure that the tin can be placed in yur steamer.
  • Wash the glutinous rice and put in the rice cooker pot. Pound the blue pea flower, and add the 100 ml of fresh water to the pounded blue pea flower. Sift the blue colour water into the rice cooker pot. Add in the 200 ml of thick coconut mik and pinches of salt.
  • Add in the pandanus leaves. Stir until well mix and cook in the rice cooker using the "sticky rice" or "glutinous" rice funtion. If your rice cooker do not have this function, just cook it like white rice. However, you may need to cook another cyle or until the desired texture. If water dries up too quickly, just dd additional water. Let it cool and set aside.
  • In a blender, add in the cut pandanus leaves, Add in all the ingredients (sago flour, water, sugar, eggs, coconut milk, permitted food colouring and salt) and use a blender to blend until fine.
  • Sift the mixture into a pot suitable for cooking the custard. Set aside and proceed to the next step.
  • Lightly grease a baking tin for steaming. Transfer the cooked glutinous rice into the tin and pressed it hard against the bottom. Let the glutinous rice become as compact as posibble. Meanwhile, get ready a steamer and put some water for steaming. Place the baking tin in the steamer and start steaming while you are cooking your coconut custard. Actually, pre-steaming is not necessary now since the rice is at least 90% cooked. However, as you want to continue the steaming when your coconut custard is cooked, you might as well start the steaming now.
  • While the glutinous rice steamed, cook the coconut custard under medium heat.( I have bypassed the step of cooking the custard over the hot water as I found that a slight curdling is acceptable since it will be fully cooked in the steaming proces). But do not use high heat as the curdling proces can be rather fast and uncontrollable.
  • Constantly stir the coconut custard.. When you witness a lot of bubbles and the custard is SLIGHTLY difficult to stir . Transfer the half cooked custard to the steaming glutinous rice. Continue steaming under high heat until the custard is set which takes about 15-20 minutes. As an indcation, you can see the custard layer start to pull away from the grased tin if it is set. Use a skewer to insert in the centre of the cake and ensure that the skewer comes out clean. Cooled completely before cutting into smaller pieces using a sharp knife.

Kuih Loyang

This cake comes from tradisional cake which originated from india, especially South India known as 'Achu Kerala'. The India cakes known as ,Achu Murukku or Achappam'. Cakes pan or also known as cake roses, flowers durian cakes, cookies and cakes rooking cap. This is a types of Malay traditional cakes made from rice flour fried in cooking oil.
In Malaysia cakes is named after a shaky because its benchmark dipped in liquid batter, the cake is dipped in hot oil and shake shaken to remove the cake rocking. Name ros again in conjunction with a flower shape. Baking sheef name because the reference is probably made of metal brasS. The original color of the cake is golden but now there rockingg multicolored cake. There are 2 rocking cakes of various flavord of sweet and spicy.

How to make Kuih Loyang
  • 200  grams or ml of thick coconut milk
  • 100 grams or ml of plain water
  • 100 grams of all purpose flour
  • 1 large egg
  • 80 grams of castor sugar
  • kuih loyang mould
  • Adequate oil for deep frying
  • Sift the flourrs into a maxing bowl. Crack the eggs, gradually add the coconut milk and plain water, use a whisk until it forms a water batter. Use a sift to sift the batter to the bowl. Set aside
  • heat up a pot of oil on medium to high heat. Pre-heat the brass mould in the hot oil for 1-2 minutes. Dip the brass mould onto the batter. Ensure that it does not touch the top part of the mould but the sides and bottom of the mould. Quickly transfer the mould coated with batter to the hot oil, hold for 30 second and shake of the cookies. Deep fry the cookies until golden brown. Drain with inverted position to let the oil flows out. Once completely cooled, store in an air tight container

Kuih Jala Mas

0.1 Jala Mas

     Jala Mas cake is a tradisional Malay dish fat cakes sweet is produced using egg yolk cooked in sugar water as pinch mas cake but have no way of preparation and different look. Jala Mas cake prepared with egg yolk and sugar is broken down into bubbling water. After some time when cooked, then the mixture was raised in the small unacceptable or can also be parked unattended in containers.
    Jala Mas cakes from that dangle like fine noodles. It is usually only reserved for special celebrations such as engagement or wedding. This is due to make a fuss and just use the yolk is high. On the habits of duck egg is used because it has size large yolk.Other than that it is usually produced with "kuih taik itik" as not to waste the remaining egg white who are retired.

How to made Jala Emas :

Ingredients for the jala mas
  1. 20 eggs yolk
  2. 1 and a half cup of sugar 
  3. 2 cups of water
  4. banana leaves (shape them like ice-cream cones with very very small hole below them. Make 2-4 because they might be broken during the process of 'menjala' later)If they are big, they  turned out to be quite ugly just like the the jala mas you see in picture 4 (the container in the first and second row on the left)
Preparation procedure for the jala mas

Seperate the egg yolk from the white. Stir it slowly. In a wok, pour in the water and sugar. When there are bubles surfacing the mixture (of water and sugar, hereinafter called syrup), take the banana leave that you have made into an ice-cream cone like shape. In a circle motion, move the ice-cream cone like shape in the wok.  Look at the picture below at how you need to to move the leave, just like forming mosquito coil. The smaller the gap between each layer, the better. p/s: When the syrup is thick during this process, pour in hot water.  

Monday 6 February 2017


Just mention desserts in Kelantan very mch indeed. Kelantan is famous for it's traditional food pradise has a range which types of cakes with various flavour and unique name. Here there are 43 types of cakes tht you can find in Kelantan. Some of them are strange scare and some are not know by the strange name. What is important, taste and sweetness are only available when are here.
Kelantan Darul Naim is not only known with it's unique food. For centuries, the originality of the taste made by the ancestors is not change. For those who come to visit here must try this traditional food. You will not forget the taste and for sure you will dream to have it again.